Odds and Ends

Billy has very much enjoyed dressing up in costumes lately.  He especially likes to put on the Spiderman mask and try to scare people.  He actually has enjoyed scaring people any way he can.  This morning he brought me a picture he’d colored.  He told me it was a dinosaur and I said it was very nice.  Billy said, “No!  Say ahhhh!”  He held the picture in my face again and waited for me to do my scream.  I naturally obliged.

Rusty likes to crawl onto things.  If there is a box on the floor, he thinks he needs to crawl on top and have a seat.  If I have a pile of laundry waiting to be washed, he crawls or flops on top and acts like he is high centered.   When he gets the chance, Rusty loves to crawl onto our bean bag chair and make himself at home.  The other day he did so with a book.  Stinkin’ cute kid!