Sunday Afternoon in the Park, er, Backyard

We had beautiful weather Sunday and spent a little time in the backyard together after church.

A wheelbarrow ride around the yard

Billy wanted Tommy to ride with them, but I assured him that the instruction manual said it was only a three-seater wheelbarrow.

Some blanket time on the lawn

A nosey big brother

A nosier little big brother

Some puppy love

Playing on the monkey bars

Picking up a bat and making a face

Playing a little ball

Kicking the ball to your brother with the bat while the littler one hangs out the playhouse window

And just being cute

And, if you are a poppy … you get after one 3 year old for dropping a ball too close to a sleeping baby and then kick same ball which whacks your 1 year old who is playing across the yard.  Follow this up by laughing quite heartily with your wife!

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