Water Problem

Monday night my mom and aunt came over for a visit.  As they sat down in our front room, Billy came running in and ecstatically shouted, “We got a water problem!  Yeah!  In the laundry room and the garage!”   He was very right … earlier that day we had!

It was a challenging day.  Kevin went back to work and I was nervous about being home with the 4 boys.  It started rough with a broken out window in our car (BB gun or stray rock … we’ll never know) but after that got much better.  The boys played nicely, Tommy slept a lot, and Rusty didn’t make too many messes.  I was feeling good so I did the dishes, reorganized some bookshelves, got a head start on dinner, and did some laundry.

At 2 o’clock, I put in a load of wash and came upstairs to work on some things for church.  Billy got up from his nap and went down to play.  Rusty got up and joined Billy.  At about 4 o’clock, Ricky came home from school.  I went out to greet him and chat with my friend who drives him home.  Ricky was running around and I finally noticed that he was leaving wet footprints on the driveway.  There was a puddle coming out of the garage … never a good sign.  As the garage door opened, I saw a huge puddle under the van and assumed the radiator was leaking.  Nope.  As I rounded the front of the van, I saw the little rivers running from the wall of the house.

Our washing machine had been running for over 2 hours and never registered that the tub was full, so it kept running and running and running.  About 4 inches of water covered the laundry room floor and was oozing through the wall into the garage.  “We got a water problem!” was right!  That 3 year old stinker had actually been in the laundry room stomping and neglected to tell me about the new swimming pool in the house!

The water was cleaned up and Kevin was able to fix the machine easily.   There doesn’t seem to be any damage to the house but my rugs will never be the same!