That's 'cause he's a boy!

Ricky has a lot of excess ear wax.

He doesn’t like to use eating utensils.

His attention span is good, but only when he wants it to be.

To these observations (and a couple more that I can’t remember now, darn it), Ricky’s pediatrician responded, “That’s ’cause he’s a boy.”  Wow, medical school must be easier than I thought!  Actually, I really, really, really like the boys’ doctor.   Today I took Ricky in for his 6 year old check-up and Tommy in for his two month check.  I love it when a doctor takes the time to snuggle a baby and tell him how cute he is!

Now the facts and only the facts:

Ricky is 44 1/2 inches tall and weighed in at 41 pounds.  That makes him just below average on his height (40 percentile) and way below on his weight (25 percentile).  The doctor estimated that he will be just above average height for a man when he grows up (which average is 5 foot 10).  Ricky has grown 3 inches since last year and gained 3 pounds.

Tommy weighed in at 12 pounds 2 ounces (75 percentile) and was 22 1/4 inches long (40 percentile), so this one is bit on the shorter and chunkier side!   In his two little months, he’s gained 4 1/2 pounds and grew almost 3 inches.  The doctor couldn’t get enough of his dark blue eyes and chubby cheeks.

Chronological order?  Yeah.  I threw that out the window this week.