
We had a family night adventure tonight … we went peach picking.  One of the girls in my church group offered her peaches and we jumped at the chance.  The boys were much less interested in picking fruit than they were in the horses and goats!  Here are the top ten things I wish I would have had my camera with me to capture:

1.  Billy picking peaches and telling me, “I love picking sneetches!”

2.  Ricky helping himself to hay from the barn to feed the goats and horses.

3.  Billy running around the yard after the dog yelling, “Puppy!  Come here, puppy!” (you’d think he had never seen a dog before)

4.  Rusty standing by the peach tree staring and pointing to the pasture just waiting for someone to tell him it was okay to go up close to the horses.

5.  Billy mutton busting … okay, it was actually a goat and I had to run along side to keep him from being bucked off, but it was priceless.

6.  Rusty trying to mutton bust … he didn’t last as long because he was too busy giggling to hang on!

7.  Ricky crawling under the camper trailer and our friends thinking it was so funny. (I’m glad THEY thought it was funny)

8.  Billy staring at the goats’ stagnant water with a look of disgust and asking, “Is that their WATER?”

9.  Rusty grabbing a handful of hay from the bottom of the goats’ pen and tossing it in the air.  (I won’t remember all the goat droppings in the hay … it is better that way)

10.  Billy standing in the van door and commanding our friends, “Next time you will let us ride the horses!”  When we told him we could come back sometime and do that, he replied, “We’ll come back tomorrow!”