House Guests

The weekend before Thanksgiving we had house guests.  My friend Shelly brought her 4 kids from Arizona for a visit.  The boys were thrilled!  And, naturally, I didn’t take a single picture all weekend.

Shelly has 3 girls and a boy.  The older girls are 9 and 8.  Ricky loved watching them play their Nintendo DS’s, especially the Garfield game.  Matt is just ten days older than Ricky and a whole lot of car playing went on between all the boys.  Shelly’s youngest is Millie and she is 6 weeks older than Rusty.  I’m not sure if the two had more fun playing with or ignoring each other!

I loved the visit with Shelly.  She is my dearest friend and we don’t see each other nearly often enough.

Our visit ended in St. George.  Shelly’s sister was being sealed to her family in the St. George Temple and since we were headed to California for Thanksgiving, it worked out that I could go.  (the above pic was taken in our hotel room)

It was fabulous watching Tara’s little family sealed together forever and just spending some time with Shelly’s family.  I love them almost as much as my own!