Boat! Boat!

We took the boys sledding last week.  Rusty couldn’t get enough of his “boat” time!

The snow was very icy and very fast, so Rusty only got to go down the hill once.

He didn’t care.  As long as Kevin or Ricky were pulling him around in the sled, Rusty was happy.

Ricky was old enough to go on his own this year.  Holy cow!  He flew down that hill … laughing the whole way!

I, on the other hand, did not find it so humorous!  He hasn’t quite learned to stop and the hill we chose had a sidewalk and street at the bottom.  I spent most of my time running to help him stop before he hit asphalt!

Thankfully, Billy was content to go down on his bum, sans sled.

If we get another good snowfall, we’ll have to go again … before the snow gets so icy!