Oompa Loompa

Ricky loves to read.  I love that he loves to read.  He also loves being read to.  We’ve read My Father’s Dragon and its sequels, Ramona the Pest, and most recently, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

After finishing the book, we had a movie night.  The little ones were put to bed and Ricky and Billy got to stay up late and meet Mr. Wonka.  They loved it.  Ricky kept asking about parts in the book and telling us how in the book this happened, not what the movie was showing.  He enjoyed it so much that we checked out “Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator” from the library to read this week!

Perhaps my favorite part, though, is Billy.  The last couple of days, I’ve caught him frequently, driving his cars around or building with legos and singing to himself, “Oompa loompa, doopity doo …”