Sick Billy

When Billy is sick, the whole world is a sadder place.  It is written on his face and a little black cloud seems to hang over him until he gets better.  Really.  It is sad.

So tonight when it was time to put pajamas on and he started crying, I should have suspected something.  He’s not my crier.  But he did.  For an hour.  Taking his pants off was just too hard.  I knew he was tired, so I let him sob on the front room floor while I read to Ricky on the couch.  Just as I finished reading the last story, Billy sat up and sobbed, “Momma!  I wanna go to sleep!”

So up we went, bypassing tooth brushing (a very rare occurrence), into their bedroom.  Billy immediately laid down on his bed and I started singing as Ricky fiddled around getting himself ready.  Billy then jumped up and ran to the bathroom saying he had to go potty.  I was told to stop singing until he got back.

I had Tommy in my arms, having calmed him down from a crying spell in the midst of this, when I heard Billy start sobbing in the bathroom.  He was crying, “I can’t go potty!  I wanna but I can’t!”  It was sad.  So I put Tommy down, with Ricky watching over him and went to Billy… just in time to be thrown up on.

When you aren’t quite four, I’m sure those tummy rumblings are confusing, but a little warning would have been nice.  After getting ourselves cleaned up, Billy was tucked in and fell asleep almost instantly.  I’m hoping a good night sleep will make it so the world won’t be so sad tomorrow.

1 thought on “Sick Billy

  1. Cindy

    I forgot to add the funniest part (perhaps because I had just been thrown up on). As I was washing my hands so I could finish cleaning him up, Billy looked down at the puke in his lap and with no emotion said in his gruff Billy voice, “Yuck.”

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