Under the bed

Billy has been thinking about giving up naps lately.  I don’t give up so easily though.  I have resorted to pulling out the mp3 player loaded with stories or songs for him to listen to quietly in his room if he doesn’t want to sleep.

So today, Rusty was down for his nap, Billy was tucked in with the mp3 player, Tommy’s diaper was changed and I sat down in my chair to feed him before laying him down in my room for his afternoon nap.   As I nursed and sang to my baby, I heard a strange noise from under the bed.  I didn’t think much of it since my cats like to hang out under there.  It was when two human feet suddenly popped out that I jumped.

The feet were followed by the rest of my almost 4 year old.  I don’t know when he snuck under there without me seeing him, but he did.  As I shooed him back to his own room, he told me that the “radio’s batteries are dying.”   I told him I’d fix them after putting Tommy down.

I finished with Tommy and laid him down for his nap.  I quietly closed the door, thankful that he’s such a good sleeper now, then I went to Billy’s room.  I asked him where the radio was so I could put in a new battery.  Billy’s answer?

“Well.  It’s under your bed, Momma!”  Of course it is.

Yeah, Billy didn’t get to listen to stories or songs during his nap today.