Green or Yellow?

We did a little celebrating of Dr. Seuss yesterday.  It was his birthday.  Billy was all about Dr. Seuss having a birthday, thanks to preschool.  Of course, when I asked who Dr. Seuss was, he had no clue.  And when I told him that it was the guy who wrote the Cat in the Hat book, his jaw dropped.  Eh, whatever.

Anyway … we read Dr. Seuss books for story time and had to have green eggs and ham for dinner.  Or at least green eggs.  With regular bacon and pumpkin pancakes.

Billy suddenly wasn’t so sure about this Dr. Seuss’s birthday thing.  He looked at his plate.  And ate the pancakes.  Then he looked at it again.  Finally, he said,

“I don’t want green eggs.  I only like yellow eggs!”

He eventually ate a bite or two.  He still didn’t like them.  He wanted yellow eggs.