Phone Etiquette

I don’t let the boys answer the phone yet.  No big reason.  I just don’t think they are ready to demonstrate good phone etiquette, which I find important.

I do, upon occasion, let them answer if Kevin is calling and I’m sitting right there holding the phone … and I usually have it on speaker-phone so I can hear everything.  Maybe it is a control issue, but after an incident last week, I think not.

Ricky, my mom, and I were sitting on the couch having a lovely conversation when the phone rang.  Caller ID told us that it was my Aunt Nancy, so I decided to let Ricky have some fun and answer the phone.  I believe the conversation went something like this:

Ricky:  Hello?

Auntie: Hi, who is this?

Ricky: Ricky.

Auntie:  Hi, Ricky.  This is Aunt Nancy.

Ricky: So … what is it you wanna tell me?

Whatever it was, Aunt Nancy was too busy laughing to tell him.