
The boys have been entertained with some old books on tape and a cassette player this week.  Having to rewind is a hard concept to learn though.

One of their favorite stories on tape is “101 Dalmatians.”  We have the book that goes with it and Billy has laid on the steps and listened to that one over and over.

During some spring cleaning this week, Billy found a VHS of “101 Dalmatians.”  He was so excited to watch it and sat totally engrossed during the movie.

When the movie was over (and automatically rewound itself), Billy started it again.  It was now time for lunch, so I rang the bell (I love our dinner bell!).  Billy came running up the stairs, since he’s always ready to eat, and told me,

“I paused it while the temple is growing so Ricky can watch it with me.”

First I had to remember what he’d even been watching and then I had to figure out what temple he was talking about.  I didn’t remember any temple in “101 Dalmatians.”  Then I caught a glimpse of the TV screen …

Oh, I get it.  He paused it while the “temple” was growing …

We don’t talk about a lot of castles around our house, I guess.

1 thought on “Temple?

  1. Cindy

    I wrote down what Billy said because even as he was saying it I was intrigued. He said,

    “I paused when the temple was growing. First, I pushed pause and then the square button and then I turned the tv off so Ricky can watch it with me.”

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