You want to get a what?

Ricky rides home from school with a girl in his class and her sisters (their mom is my friend).  One day they were taking turns playing a Gameboy when I went out to get him.  Ricky had to tell me all about it and the game and what it could do … mind you, the ride home is only a mile.  I asked my friend about it, since I know she isn’t into game systems, and she told me that the girls’ grandpa bought it for them on the Internet.  I’m guessing Ricky overheard this conversation because …

Thursday morning Ricky stopped getting ready for school and asked, “Momma, can I buy something from the Internet?”

Curious, I asked him what he wanted.  He replied,

“Two things … a Playboy and the movie Runaway Ralph.”

I tried to compose myself while telling him that we’d talk about it later.