Book of Mormon Stories and Church Laughter

Some nights I tell the boys scriptures stories.  They lay in their beds and I lay on the floor and I tell the more exciting stories from the Bible and Book of Mormon.  They seem to enjoy these re-tellings.  Last night, I was telling them the first story in the Book of Mormon about a family that leaves Jerusalem but sends the sons back to get a book of scripture from “the bad guy.”  When I finished this particular story, Ricky said, “Momma, I know that isn’t the end.”  I assured him that it was a good stopping place and he said, “But the story goes on!  Please tell us more.”  I let him know that the Book of Mormon is 500 pages long and I wasn’t going to tell the whole story.  To this, he sighed, “ahhhhh, man!”

This story-telling time has led Billy to sing a Primary song his own way.  He sings “Book of Mormon Stories that my MOMMA tells to me…”  After Billy sang that one day this week, Kevin said, “Hey!  I tell you guys scripture stories, too!”  Sorry, dear, I guess I just tell them better!

Today we took the boys to church, like usual.  They actually were very well behaved today.  That is until Rusty was sitting on Kevin’s lap and decided to yell out (several times), “No!  Bite me,  Poppy!  No!  Bite me!”   This landed Kevin and I into that laughter that makes you cry.   And us trying to silently laugh and cry only made Rusty happier!