Mother's Day


There have been several times in my life when I didn’t think I would ever celebrate Mother’s Day as a mother.   It was a roller coaster of emotions and days that made me who I am today.


Today I am a mother to four fantastic little boys.  I’ve been given the blessing of raising these little men.  Some days it feels like a heavy burden and I question my ability to help them turn out normal!  Other days I get so lost in the cute words and adorable faces, that I forget the responsibility and just enjoy the moment.


My first Mother’s Day as a mother, 2005, I cried at church.  They gave out plants for all the mothers and I had finally “earned” one.  I don’t look down on any non-mother or think she doesn’t deserve recognition, but, for me, it was different.  I blinked a lot.


I called Mother’s Day “Woman Recognition Day” for many years.  It made it easier.


Today my boys gave me cards.  Ricky drew a picture of me.  I was a queen.  I got teary again.


When Ricky got home from school on Thursday, he told me, “Momma, you do an awful lot for us.  You do even more for us than Poppy!”   Yep.  I might.  And I’m thankful the Lord gave me the opportunity to do all that stuff, too!


And a Mother’s Day blog post wouldn’t be complete without a shout-out to my own mom.  Thank you for all you do for me still, Mom!  From altering a 15 year old dress (which you made in the first place) to baby-sitting so often to bringing in dinner on nights when I just can’t stand the look of the kitchen.  We all love you very much and are so thankful we get to keep you!