Swimming Lessons

Ricky and Billy did swimming lessons twice a week all through April.  These boys love the water and are really quite good in the water.

Billy was very excited to be in a big boy class for the first time.  He was old enough to do the Preschool A class – no parents needed!

He got really good at his front and back floats.  (Billy is the second boy from the left/bottom, in case you can’t tell)

Billy enjoyed the splashes that came when he flopped on his back for the back floats.

Billy had no fear and easily passed his level.  His teachers were very impressed with him.

Ricky was in Level 2.  He passed Level 1 last year and technically shouldn’t have been in Level 2 until after his 7th birthday, but we put him in anyway.  Both boys had the same teachers, Nate (on the right) and Andrew (on the left).

Ricky’s class was more of a challenge for him.  It was a good challenge though.  He was by far smaller than anyone else in the class and there were 3 or 4 of the 11 techniques that he didn’t quite pass.  He’ll do Level 2 again, maybe in the fall.

He had one girl in his class that he called his friend.  He didn’t know her name, but he knew she was a third grader and nice.  They are standing next to each other here … pretty much all the other kids were this much bigger than Ricky.

Ricky’s class was mostly in the deep end, so we didn’t get any good water shots.

He is such a laid back kid that he doesn’t care that he needs to redo the level.  To him, it is just another chance to go to the pool!