
Rusty and Tommy are just 15 months apart in age.  I refer to them collectively as “the babies.”  I’m sure I’ll have to stop that someday.

Tommy is incredibly jealous.  He can be jealous of a dog, a cat, a sandwich … but Tommy gets especially jealous of Rusty.  The feeling is reciprocal.  Rusty’s jealously isn’t quite as deep, but it can rear its ugly head.

Kevin’s affection is always sought for with these two babies.  Tommy thinks Poppy is his and his alone.  Rusty has learned to share a bit better.

A couple of weeks ago, Kevin laid on the couch to read Rusty a magazine.  Tommy did NOT approve.  It was less than a minute before Tommy was climbing up the couch, over Kevin’s head, and making himself comfortable.

Kevin didn’t mind.  At all.  He liked it so much that he called for me to get the camera!