White Men

Kevin and I went away for three days – an anniversary trip.  The second morning, my mom called to let us know that Billy had a fever.

We discussed a treatment plan and hoped he’d feel better soon.  Apparently he didn’t and Grandmama got to nurse poor Sick Billy all day.  Oh, that boy is pathetic and sad when he is sick!

When I called Mom later that day, she told me she had called our bishop’s wife and asked for the bishop to give Billy a priesthood blessing.  I knew Billy was in good hands – we really like our bishop.  He did come over with another gentleman and, I understand, they gave Billy a very nice blessing.

After we got home last night, Billy came looking for a hug from Kevin.  Kevin talked to him about how he was sick and how he seemed to be better.  He asked how Billy got better so fast.

Billy said,  “Because of the medicine and because of the blessing I got from those white men.”

Okay.  Thank you, White Men, for making my second baby feel better.