Final Summer Field Trip: The Aquatic Center, Again

For one final summer extravaganza, Kevin and I took the big boys to the Aquatic Center.

Our church had rented the place out and there were a lot more people there than when we went earlier in the summer.  Ricky loved that though because several of his school friends were there.  Kevin didn’t love that though because that meant Ricky was running all over with those friends and was much harder to keep an eye on.

I’m afraid I wasn’t a big help to Kevin either.  I hadn’t even worn my swimming suit.  I sat down next to some church friends and enjoyed my time socializing.

The boys were worn out and ready for some sleep by the time we got home.  (and no, Kevin didn’t get that sunburned at the pool – he’d been golfing all day … for work … tough life, huh?)