"I have just one question …"

Billy went to the fire station today for a preschool field trip.  Neither Kevin nor I were able to chaperone, so when I picked him up, his teacher stopped me to share an interesting story.

Firefighter Trevor had just introduced himself to the kids and was talking about fire safety when Billy raised his hand.  He said, “I have just one question.”  (Can you picture him?  I’m sure his eyebrows were furrowed and his pointer finger was held high.)  Firefighter Trevor tried to hold Billy off by saying he’d take questions in a few minutes, but Billy persisted, “I have just ONE question.  And it’s important.”

Seeing that they weren’t going to get anywhere until Billy got to ask his question, Firefighter Trevor said okay.  Billy was clearly confused but declared, “My brother Ricky said that Trevor was dead!”

Firefighter Trevor and Ms. Cherie were taken aback, but laughed it off.  They reassured Billy that this particular Trevor was not dead.

As Ms. Cherie told me the story, I laughed and explained that the boys have a cousin who died as a baby whose name was Trevor.  Billy hadn’t been paying much attention to us until that point when, with great big eyes, he yelled, “Trevor is…ALIVE!”

I guess it is time to have another talk with Billy.