Rusty and Tommy

I thought I’d survived the worst of having two babies so close in age.

I thought I’d made it through and things would be pretty easy now.

I thought I’d figured it all out.


Enter Rusty and Tommy …

All day long they find ways to agitate, annoy, bother, bug, harass, perturb, pester, rile, and tease each other.

I’ve developed a deaf ear.  Sort of selective deafness.  I can tell the difference between a “I just fell off the chair onto my chin” cry and the “Tommy just hit me on the head with a crayon and so I smacked him with my toy car” cry.  I try to ignore the latter.

They push and pull and shove and smack each other … constantly.  Yet if you ask Rusty who Tommy is, you’ll get one of three answers:

“Hims my brother!”

or “Hims my best friend!”

or, my favorite, “Hims my best brother!”

Good to know that this is just their way of showing love…