Well Checks

Last month my alpha and omega had well checks.  Ricky had his age 7 check and Tommy had his 15 month exam.  All four boys were with me.  Bedlam ensued, but we have a patient pediatrician.

A few stats on Sir Richard:  He weighed in at 43 pounds (a two pound gain since last year) and 46.7 inches in height (2 inches growth).  He’s below average on the charts coming in at 5 to 10% on his weight and 30% on his height.

Our Sir Thomas didn’t get much higher percentages.  He is weighing 21 pounds (8%) and is 29.7 inches tall (15-20%).  Tommy did do me a HUGE favor though.  He didn’t so much as squeak at the doctor.  He smiled and let him do the whole exam without a single tear!  It was fabulous.

The pediatrician wasn’t worried, however.  He observed the non-stop moving and circle spinning and car chasing in that-thankfully-large exam room.  He already knew that Kevin was short for a long time when he was little (you know, not like now).  So his advice?  Keep doing what we’re doing and offer them lots of good calories.

He meant ice cream, right?