Self Hair Cut

Rusty got a great hair cut a couple of weeks ago.  However, since he was crying and uncooperative, there are always a few long hairs that get away.  Kevin likes to go after those hairs.  He finds great joy in it, I believe.

He will sit Rusty in front of the mirror, give him something to look at, and snip away at the few stray hairs.  This is what happened last night while I was away.  This is what he let Rusty look at …

Do you know what those are?  They are nose-hair trimmers.  They are blunt ended and work excellent for trimming hairs in places you don’t want to poke with the sharp points of a normal pair of scissors (if you don’t have a pair yourself, I know you are now jealous).

Anyway, our pair looks just like that picture except there is a plastic cover over the blades.  Kevin figured Rusty wouldn’t be able to get it off and it was just for a minute while he trimmed those few hairs …

Then he heard, “Owwww!”

Yep.  Rusty had figured out how to take the cover off the blades.  Rusty had figured out how to open the scissors.  He’d even figured out how to close them on a big chunk of hair on top of his head.  What he hadn’t figured out how to do with these not-so-sharp scissors was CUT that chunk of hair.

Instead, when the scissors closed it pulled his hair and Rusty’s reaction was a knee-jerk … or in this case, a hand-jerk reaction.  He jerked his hands, the ones holding the scissors, hard enough that he pulled out that nice big chunk of hair.

Fortunately for Rusty (or perhaps Kevin), Rusty has incredibly thick hair.  There is no bald spot or even a noticeable short patch.  It just looks a little uneven.

I don’t know that Rusty will be giving himself another hair cut any time soon.