18 Months

My baby is 18 months old today.  I would say that the past year and a half have flown by, but, quite honestly, I don’t remember a lot of it.

I don’t know if that lack of memory is from having 4 boys or having the last two so close together or from wacky hormones or just self-preservation.  Thankfully, I have this tidy little blog to help me remember the cuteness that is Tommy!  Here’s a little bit more …

Tommy is a thrower.  He has a pretty good arm too.  Last night I was sitting on the stairs cutting out turkey feathers (where else would I sit?) and Tommy and Kevin were throwing a shirt back and forth over my head.  He is also good at chucking his pacifier, his toys, and whatever he feels shouldn’t be on his dinner plate.

Tommy isn’t talking a lot yet, but he jabbers all the time.   We understand sock, book, shoe, ball, hi, b-bye, and maybe a few others.  We try to understand his grunts and points, which he uses most often.  He especially uses them at the dinner table when he is trying to let us know that he’d like seconds of something.  Tommy has a bit of congestion right now and he sounds a bit froggish.  Froggish grunts from an 18 month old are adorable, in case you were wondering.

Tommy is a hitter.  I believe this is because he doesn’t verbally communicate much.  Beware … if he’s in a bad mood and you pick him up and he chucks that pacifier – he’ll be swatting at your face next!  We’re working on this.  It is a slow process.

Tommy really likes fruit.  Not so much fresh stuff, but canned peaches and pears are devoured.  He loves watermelon, too, but we don’t eat so much of that all winter.

Tommy is perfecting walking up and down the stairs while holding the banister.  I don’t watch.  If I can’t be right there to catch him, I don’t want to see him fall.  He hasn’t fallen attempting this trick yet, and probably won’t, but I still don’t watch.

Tommy went to our church’s Nursery for the first time Sunday (you have to be 18 months to go).  He did great.  Having Rusty in there is a good thing.  Maybe he’ll learn to like more than just 5 or 6 people some day soon.  Even more exciting, Rusty didn’t maul Tommy the whole time they were in there either … yes, this was a concern.

Tommy loves to gives hugs.  Numerous times during the day, I find myself impeded because my legs are being hugged tightly.  He’s the most huggy of all my boys and it is a joy!  He’s the first to run to Kevin (full speed) when he arrives home from work and Kevin gets one of those big hugs, too!

Tommy is happy.  Yes, he has his fit moments, but the vast majority of the day he is smiling and giggling and just fun to have around.