The Grinch

My name is prone to nicknames.  I should say, my nickname is prone to even more nicknames.  One that has stuck through the years is Cindy-Lou Who (often followed by “who was no more than two” no matter what my age).  Friends and family have used it, not surprisingly, more abundantly at Christmas.   In college, I had roommates who used it so much that they just shortened it to “Lou” and that was my name.

Fun stuff.

Yesterday, as I was reading The Grinch Who Stole Christmas to Rusty before his nap, he pointed to the picture and, with great concentration on his pronunciation, he said, “You Cindy Whew Whew.”  My heart grew three sizes right then.  I gave him a hug and was treated to a repeat of the cutest way I’ve ever heard that nickname said.

Of course, it was made all that much more sweet when I tucked him in bed and Rusty said, “And Poppy is the Grinch!”