Year: 2011

88 Months

88 months ago, I became a mother.  Some of the best discussions I have with Ricky are about my job as mother and that he is teaching me how to do my job. Ricky is a good kid.  More and more he is noticing how he can help others and doing it without being asked.  […]

18 Months

My baby is 18 months old today.  I would say that the past year and a half have flown by, but, quite honestly, I don’t remember a lot of it. I don’t know if that lack of memory is from having 4 boys or having the last two so close together or from wacky hormones […]

Sunday Dinner

Rusty had a yellow cup at dinner tonight.  Billy had a blue one.  Rusty wanted the blue one.  A very minor fit ensued.  Billy tried to stop it by saying, “Rusty, you get what you get and you don’t throw a fit!”  Several times. A little later in the meal, Ricky was having a difficult […]

Too Loud

I’ve been on a smoothie kick for a couple of months.  Each morning I fill the blender up with fruits and veggies and crank it on.  It is a BlendTec.  It’ll blend anything! The boys don’t care for my habit.  Not only do I put vegetables in my smoothies, but the blender is quite loud.  […]