Dreading the Holidays!

I’m not one to dread the holidays.  I like them.  All of them.  Well, most of them.  My favorite holidays have always been Valentine’s Day and Halloween.  Always.  I seriously love those two.

However, as the year 2012 progresses, I’m starting to dread the holidays a bit.

New Year’s Day was greeted with vomit and more vomit.

Martin Luther King Day saw multiple ear infections.

Rusty’s birthday had near dehydration and Rocky Mountain Fever.

And now Valentine’s Day …

The two littles have had fevers of 101+ and croupy coughs.  Rusty has at least been acting normal, a bit milder than usual, but other than a runny nose you wouldn’t assume he was sick.  Tommy on the other hand didn’t walk at all today until about 6:30 tonight.  He whimpered and shivered and moaned and just felt lousy.  He spent his day sitting either on my lap or Kevin’s.

Next up … my birthday.  Gotta admit that I’m a little afraid of what it will bring!

Even in his sickness, Tommy does cute things.  He was too sick to get off of Kevin’s lap while the older boys made Valentine’s for Grandmama, so he didn’t have one to give her when she came over for dinner.  But Tommy was not to be left out.  He watched his brothers hand over their handmade hearts and he wandered over to Billy’s stash of Valentine’s from preschool, found a heart shaped one (from me to Billy, actually), happily walked over to Grandmama, and gave it to her.  It was one of those “Ahhhhh….” moments for me.

We are taking health one day at a time around here.  Tomorrow, Tommy may be perfectly normal and healthy.  That’s just how weird this winter has been.  Give me snow already!