Happy Birthday, Rusty!

Last night it was Billy’s turn to say family prayers.  Just before he prayed that Kevin and I would die and go to heaven (we try to think positively about that one), Billy said,

“Please bless me to have a birthday so that on Rusty’s next birthday, he won’t be the same age as me.”

Today, I have a three year old again.

We’ll do the bulk of our celebrating another day.  Today, Rusty doesn’t feel well.  We are just trying to keep him happy and hydrated.  He knows it is his birthday.  He doesn’t want to share his new Robin (as in Batman and …).  He knows there are blue balloons on his bedroom door.  But today he’s a bit too sick to care.  I made cupcakes as per his request so if he wants one tonight, we’ll probably break the doctor’s orders to shy away from sugar.  I mean, really, how often do you turn 3?

Happy birthday, Rusty!