In like a lion …

It is snowing today.  Only our second actual accumulation all winter long.  The boys all want to be out in it.  Ricky and Billy have school though and, because I didn’t feel like being cold, I distracted the littles with their Trio building blocks.  It works.

Billy did get to help Kevin shovel the driveway before preschool.  He had his scarf and coat on and was ready to go.  About 2 minutes in, though, he informed me that his hands were too cold.  I’m not sure why he didn’t put on gloves, but he was too concerned about his red scarf being tight to do a silly thing like put on gloves.

The shoveling of the driveway was just too much for Rusty and Tommy.  They stood with their face pressed against the front window calling out for “Poppy!”  Rusty kept telling me that he wanted a shovel, but I informed him that you don’t get to help shovel the driveway until you are 5 (not really a cardinal rule, but I thought it would satisfy him).  Unfortunately, I forgot that Rusty’s age is flexible.  He told me,

“I AM 5!  I had my birthday and I not 3, I am 5!  I want to shovel!”

Ricky enjoyed the snow, but stayed up a bit too late last night finishing a Goosebumps book.  Apparently, he interpreted, “You can read one more chapter and then lights out” to really be “Go ahead and finish the book, son.”  Anyway, I heard him repeat numerous times this morning, “Why does school have to start SOOOO early?”   Yeah, we don’t leave for school until 8:15, so I’m not really sure what he was whining about.

We’ve successfully broken the boys of their Pop Tart addiction.  They are okay having cereal every morning now.  I did pull out a box of Pop Tarts on Sunday and they thought it was a holiday!  They weren’t even their favorite flavor, but they gobbled them up.

I try to have muffins or something to go along with their cereal each morning.  I have skinny kids – they need lots of calories!  This morning while I was taking Ricky to school, Kevin got Tommy up and gave him his breakfast.  He then left the room to finish getting ready for work.  He was only gone from the room a minute before Tommy had moved a stool around to help himself to another muffin off the stove.

This is his latest game … moving things around to stand on.  We have a foot stool near the sink in the kitchen and 2 of the 3 bathrooms so the boys can easily get a drink or wash their hands.  Tommy can comfortably lift and move those around at his leisure.  If those won’t do, he moves our small ottomans from room to room.  And, if it is more convenient, the kitchen chairs can get him even taller than the stools and ottomans.

Tommy climbs for lots of reasons – to reach his pacifiers, food, cats, toys, pencils.  He likes to see what I’m doing when I’m cooking or doing dishes.  But most of the time I think he does it just to be taller and because he can.  It is adorable watching him move things around and I’m trying really hard to enjoy it … BUT, his ability to get into EVERYTHING is getting old.  Sigh.

… Even as I was just typing that, Tommy came and took my ottoman, slid it across the kitchen floor, and helped himself to a muffin from off the cupboard.  There just isn’t enough room on top of my fridge to keep everything out of his reach!