Helpful Rusty

Kevin rarely comes in from working outside without telling me, “Rusty is such a good helper!”

And, generally, he is.

When I was organizing and labeling in the toy room this week, Rusty was right there to make sure things were being put in the correct boxes and running kitchen things back to the kitchen for me (it is no wonder I own 3 sets of measuring cups – more than half were hiding in the boys’ toy box).

However…Rusty is three.  And, at our house, three is when the evil streak usually starts showing itself.

Point and case:  Kevin’s lawnmower.

This is the battery compartment located under the seat of Kevin’s riding lawnmower.


Wait … there is a battery in there somewhere?

Still no idea what compelled Rusty to fill the entire compartment up with sand and dirt.

But he sure was proud of himself!