Preschool Graduate

My number two graduated preschool today.  I only teared up a little at the thought of how much this sweet boy has grown up and that next year I lose him to the school experience.  Sniff.  But, in my heart of hearts, I know it is what’s best for him.  I just may go re-read all the posts about his toddler days to console myself though.

Billy couldn’t be happier about it all.  He can NOT wait for kindergarten.  He tells me all about going to school with Ricky and what he thinks he’s going to do and learn.  He is ready for it all.

His graduation was fun.  Miss Cherie called each student up and read a fill-in-the-blank story they had filled out earlier this month.  Here is what Billy’s said,

Mom and Dad,

When I grow up I’m going to be Mario. I’m going to be very successful.  In fact, I am going to make $20 a year.  I am also going to be very handsome.  I am going to be taller than my dad who is taller than my mom and weigh as big as a snorlax.  When I am old, 100 years, and married, I will have 6 or 8 children and a pet ginormous frog.  We will live happily ever after next door to Poppy’s parents’ house in California.

Billy got a certificate showing that he graduated as well as a sort of report card.  It just shows what he mastered and what he could use more work on (apparently I need to teach him his phone number and how to jump rope).   Miss Cherie also wrote a nice note about him on his report card.   Part of it says,

“He is a good friend and very honest.  It amazes me how tenderhearted he can be at times, because he is so strong and a great leader.  I will truly miss him …”

All the preschoolers sang “It’s a Small World” and Billy belted it out.  He was so proud of himself for knowing all the words and has been practicing it around the house for a couple of weeks.  It was your typical preschool sing-a-long, but I liked it because I’m the mom …

Wanna hear (and see Tommy trying to steal the show)?  Here’s the link … YouTube

Then was the magician.  I know Billy enjoyed it, but you couldn’t get the smile off of Rusty’s face.  Billy got to be a volunteer and try to get a rabbit out of the magician’s hat.  No real bunnies, but lots of scarves, sausage links, and one stuffed bunny made their way out. (see Rusty?)

Here’s a link to watch Billy with the magician … YouTube

This was Billy’s second year with Miss Cherie and I know that somewhere under the excitement of kindergarten, he’s going to really miss her, too.

First Day of Preschool September 2010

First Day of Preschool September 2011

Billy’s last day of preschool (today)