The Flood

I hosted a baby shower yesterday.  After it was over, I put everything away except the big water dispenser.  It was still mostly full and I figured we could just drink the water from it for a day or two.

Late in the afternoon, Kevin, Rusty, Tommy, and I were outside.  When Kevin and I moved to the front yard to do some yard work, the two littles sneaked into the house.  Really, that isn’t a big deal.  Ricky and Billy were inside and we WERE just in the front yard.

Yeah, well … Kevin went in for some reason and found a bit of a flood.  Apparently, Rusty wanted a drink, so he helped himself to one from the dispenser.  He then left the water running while he filled up about 20 paper cups with water and never bothered to turn the dispenser nozzle back off.

What’s an inch of water over a large part of the kitchen floor?  It is a sink full of sopping wet towels, that’s what it is.  We like to think that Rusty learned something from this … unfortunately, it probably isn’t the lesson we were hoping he would learn!

The part that made me laugh the most about all this … an hour later after everything is all cleaned up and I’m about to make dinner, Kevin says, “Where did THIS puddle come from?  Why is the cupboard leaking?!”

He opened the lower cupboard and my measuring cup was full of water!  Then he opened the junk drawer and found our “junk” swimming in a good inch of water, too.  That Rusty … he doesn’t just DO something.  He DOES it well!