Swimming Lessons … again

Ricky had swimming lessons the end of July.  He was trying to pass Level 2.

He took Level 2 last year, but was younger and smaller than everyone and didn’t quite pass.  We were hoping for better results this time.

Sadly, we didn’t get them.  Ricky did improve from day one to the final day, but not much thanks to his teacher.   I sat in the stands and watched every lesson and got more and more frustrated.  We were half way through the lessons when I realized Ricky’s teacher was pretty  much done trying to teach him.  I paid closer attention and Kevin gave him tips at home and we tried to practice, but it was too late.  His front crawl just wasn’t quite good enough.  On the flip side (oh, horrible pun), his back crawl is very excellent!

He’s okay with it.  And I signed him up to take Level 2 AGAIN … this time from a different pool and hopefully with a better teacher!