A Friend

Billy took a beating yesterday.

He took a beating for being a friend to a boy at school who is different.

He took the beating FROM that boy.

When I asked Billy how his day went, he told me, “Good!” and went on about how they got recess AND PE in one day and that is like the best thing that can happen.  He didn’t mention Bobby at all.

I’d heard of Bobby before, but only as Billy’s friend who sits “dee-agle-nuh-nie” from him.

I learned more about Bobby when Billy’s teacher called me after dinner.  She wanted to make sure I understood the situation.  Since Billy hadn’t told me about any situation, I had nothing to understand!

Billy’s teacher explained that Bobby is different.  She is working with his parents to get him tested to find out about the difference – autism, tourette syndrome, or something else.  Because of his difference, Bobby doesn’t have any friends.  He has a personal space around him that he won’t let anyone into … except our Billy.

Billy can sit by Bobby but not anyone else.  Billy will notice Bobby sitting by himself and say to his teacher, “I need to sit by him and be his friend.”  Billy is the only one who can get Bobby to even go into the restroom.

Bobby was having a bad day yesterday and, for some reason, started taking it out on Billy.  He kicked him repeatedly in the side.  Billy cried.  He has a small bruise.  I was told that Billy didn’t take it out on Bobby.  Once he recovered he just said, “That’s okay.  Bobby is just having a bad day.”  When I asked him about it at bedtime last night, Billy said he thought he must have sat a bit too close to Bobby and he just wouldn’t sit as close tomorrow.

His teacher told me to give Billy a big hug and tell Billy what a wonderful and special boy he is.  I most certainly did.

Billy is a friend.  It is funny, though, because I had fears about him being a bit of a bully when he started preschool.  He is so far from that in actuality though.  I guess knocking your little brother over because he’s in your way isn’t really being a bully – although it feels like one to the mom!  Billy finds those “different” kids and just wants them to be included and have a friend.  Remember his “cougar” Casey?

His teacher was very correct, Billy is very, very special.

And because I’m sure someone is wondering, Billy’s teacher is very aware of the situation and working to make sure Billy and the other kids are safe.  I don’t think the beating lasted very long and I’m not worried about it.  I also know that if Billy wanted to, he could totally take down the other kid … but he’s a lover, not a fighter.

(Rusty on the other hand … Rusty just told me that if the boy who kicked Billy ever came over to our house, he’d get a knuckle sandwich!)