Passing Level 2

The third time was the charm … Ricky passed Level 2 at his latest swimming lesson!

It was a relief to Kevin and I, but I think Ricky felt pretty proud of himself, too.  We went to a different pool and were all much  more satisfied … Kevin and I because of the teaching and Ricky because he got 10 whole minutes of free time on his last day to play on the slides!

Ricky took a little bit of that time to pass off a Wolf Scout requirement … swimming across the pool

Ricky also preferred this pool because he got to jump off the diving board.

He thought that was just coolest thing!

I think it is the coolest thing that Ricky did it – he passed!  He worked hard and figured out what he needed to fix.  I also think it is pretty cool that we can take a break from swimming lessons until next year!