Family Christmas Party

A week before Christmas, we hosted the Olds Family White Elephant Party.  The boys love when family is going to come over.  Tommy especially seemed excited, until he got so tired that he crashed on the couch.  Since this doesn’t happen very often, Kevin and I thought it was too cute…

While waiting for other guests to arrive, the boys decorated a gingerbread boy cake with Grandmama.  They were very proud of the M&M’s.

Don’t all family parties include some professional wrestling moves?

And some ukelele sing-a-longs?

And lessons on how to play “Bad Piggies?”

And all 3 year olds should play ipads, right?

With their 2 year old brother?

And their 4 year old cousin? (At least these two are doing jigsaw puzzles…)

Family parties always include some picture taking …

And ours included exchanging White Elephant gifts …

The three older boys got to exchange white elephants this year and Rusty was thrilled with his harmonica (Momma not so much).  Billy got a talking fly swatter that has been used more like a light-saber and has whacked more things than flies since then.  And Ricky wasn’t really thrilled with the storage boxes he opened first, but later got to trade for a book of 350+ things to make that he was pleased with.  Overall, the gifts were pretty fun this year!

Cousin Stephanie was kind enough to the let the boys play with the foosball table that she got for her gift.

Cate even found one of the nativities and reminded us about the real reason we celebrate Christmas …

It was a good time to be together and visit and enjoy each other.  I do like my family!