Billy’s Courage

About a month ago, we had a nice and warm week.  The boys were so excited to be outside and playing all day.  Part of their adventures include trying to climb our trees.

Most of the trees are too big for them to easily get into, but Billy found our curly willow and a way to get into it.

He was doing great and climbed pretty high.

When the boys came in later and Billy was changing his clothes, I saw his stomach.  It was scraped up and raw looking.  It looked painful!  I asked him what happened and Billy replied,

That’s where I was climbing the tree and lost my courage.

Translation:  He got a bit too high, got nervous, and slid down the tree like a fireman’s pole.

Now he has a nice scar to help him remember that he can be courageous! (It photographed like a bruise, but it is really a scar.)