Nature Center Camps

Not far from our home is a Nature Center.  It has walking trails and rehabilitation birds that you can see up close and an education center.  They do summer camps that the boys seem to enjoy, so I signed them all up for a camp this summer.

Ricky did his camp the day we left for California, so there are no pictures.  He enjoyed it but didn’t talk about it much since it was eclipsed by a really fun vacation (see previous posts for info on that).

Billy and Rusty got to go to their camp on the same day.  I thought they would be in the same class when I signed them up, but found out differently when I dropped them off.  They didn’t seem to care at all.  I had a little bit of a struggle leaving my 4 year old in a class by himself.  I shouldn’t have worried at all.



Rusty had a great time and felt like such a big kid in his own camp.  Both of them learned about the sense of sight, made “I Spy Bottles” and got to see lots of birds.  I heard the most about the turkeys.  I’m still not sure if there are 2 or 3 and they just kept seeing one more than once.



We had to take the bird house path on the way to the car so that we could all look at the dozens of bird houses on display and take pictures by a couple of our favorites.

Tommy wasn’t as interested in the bird houses as he was in the fact that he would get to come to his camp the next week!



Tommy’s camp was a parent and child camp and Kevin was a good sport to go along.  He was also a good sport and took a lot of pictures for me so I could see what this whipper-snapper was doing!


Tommy’s camp was about superhero animals and he got to decorate his own superhero cape …



And go exploring through the mouse hole and an eagle’s nest …



He told me most about the turtle that he saw (“Momma, it is actually a tortoise!” Billy informed me.) …





Mostly, I think Tommy just liked being at his own camp like his brothers and getting to play in the dirt with his dad!



I’m glad that my boys seem to enjoy summer camps and that we are able to send them off to experience them.  They aren’t shy and make friends easily.  And, for the most part, they do what they are asked and don’t wander off after turkeys … at least not too far!
