The Big Pool

With a husband who swam competitively in high school and still prefers that method of exercise and four boys who think bath time is meant for playing not cleaning, a swimming pool was definitely in our future as we moved to our bigger yard.


Me?  I don’t like to get my face wet.  We’ll just leave it at that.


Once we got back from our California trip, up went the big pool.  It isn’t huge, just 18 feet in diameter and 4 feet deep, but that is big enough for our family for now.


The boys couldn’t have been more excited!



We went swimming 5 or 6 days a week for over a month before the evenings started getting too cool and the water was just too cold for my boys.  We’d be in the water barely 15 minutes before Rusty and Tommy had blue lips.  With record breaking heat in Utah this summer, we really enjoyed those 100+ degree days in our pool!



It was really good for the boys’ swimming practice as well.  Ricky and Billy didn’t wear life jackets and got good at diving to the bottom to pick up toys.



Rusty didn’t want to wear a life jacket, but I only let him do that if Kevin was in the pool with us.  His favorite part was sitting on my float (which he would steal from me) and paddling his way around the pool.  We called it his nest.



Tommy loved jumping into the water from the ladder and often would push his brothers off the ladder so he could climb on.  They all seemed to enjoy laying out and warming up afterwards … especially if a Poppy hug was part of the deal.



Such a great investment and so much fun for our family … maybe someday we’ll upgrade to something bigger, but for now, we all look forward to our big pool again next summer!