1st Prize

The boys’ elementary school holds a walk-a-thon each year.  It is a fund raiser and the boys collect pledges based on the number of laps they walk…or they just take an envelope of money to school that their mom gives them.

I hate fundraisers.  I hate going to people to ask for money.  I especially hate going to people to ask for pledges because that means you have to go BACK again after the event.  I hated it when I was a kid and, now as a parent, if my boys aren’t going to take it on themselves to do it, I’m in no hurry to do it for them.

So, with just donations from a few family members, I call it good.

The walk-a-thon was fun.  The boys were gung-ho about it and determined to complete the max of 16 laps (supposedly an equivalent of 4 miles).  Ricky ran the last several laps to make sure he finished before the time was up and Billy came in with 14 laps when the time ran out.  I was very proud of both of them for their effort.  They were sweaty and kind of smelly when they were done, but they were excited to have done so much.

Even more excited was Billy when he came home from school a couple of weeks later.  All the pledges had been gathered and tallied up and he had brought in the most money of any of the students in grades K thru 3.  His prize … a 7 inch NextBook tablet.  Can I even begin to explain how excited he was to have won his very own tablet?!  He was tickled pink!



Now if we Ipad users can just figure out how to make the Android tablet work for our excited 6 year old!