Primary Program

Every year, our church does a Sunday Service that is performed almost completely by the children.  They practice songs all year and spend weeks learning their parts.  Our boys were given such short lines this year that we made sure they had them memorized.  The Primary Program Sunday also happened to be Bobby’s first time going to church – gotta support those brothers!



The boys were fabulous.  Rusty was the best understood in his class.  He stood tall at the microphone, gave the teacher a look that said, “I don’t need your help,” and loudly said, “I’m Rusty, a lego builder.  Most important, I am a child of God.”  Smiles and laughter came from the congregation.  I nearly cried with pride.

Ricky and Billy did their parts with equal confidence.  Ricky was recovering from a stiff neck issue and so he held his head a little funny.  He finished his part and then just kind of looked at the congregation as if to say, “Didn’t I do that well?”  The tears came again, but this time from laughter – that boy is destined for the theater!

Bobby was a perfect baby and got all the appropriate, “He’s so cute” comments.

It was also the first time all 4 big boys wore a tie to church.  Ricky didn’t get to wear his until he got to church where his dad was (someday I’ll learn to tie a tie) and Billy’s barely made it through our Sacrament Meeting, but they wore them.  And they all looked rather dashing as well!