Year: 2013


When we first moved into the new home, Ricky’s biggest complaint was that our backyard was dull and empty.  We have been working on filling it up – a pool, swing set, etc – but it does lack the bushes and “Daisy Forest” of our previous backyard.  I tried to comfort him by telling him […]

The Big Pool

With a husband who swam competitively in high school and still prefers that method of exercise and four boys who think bath time is meant for playing not cleaning, a swimming pool was definitely in our future as we moved to our bigger yard. Me?  I don’t like to get my face wet.  We’ll just […]

Me squished it

I didn’t go to church one Sunday.  Someone in their last week (it had BETTER be) of pregnancy shouldn’t have to go sit on those uncomfortable chairs for 3 hours. As Kevin brought the boys home, Tommy came barreling through the house yelling, “Mommmmmmma!”  When he found me, he held up a box he’d made […]

Pioneer Day

We kind of like heritage day celebrations in our family.  Street fairs and parades in small towns are great!  When our whole state celebrates its heritage, I wouldn’t exactly call it small, but it is still a lot of fun and we try to make the most of it. For Pioneer Day this year, we […]


I had a lot of concerns in our former home, but one of the ones that kept bugging me was that my boys didn’t know how to ride bikes.  Oh, we had practiced with Ricky a little last summer and he knew the basic idea, but on a road without sidewalks and vehicles traveling 50 […]