Year: 2013

Nature Center Camps

Not far from our home is a Nature Center.  It has walking trails and rehabilitation birds that you can see up close and an education center.  They do summer camps that the boys seem to enjoy, so I signed them all up for a camp this summer. Ricky did his camp the day we left […]

Ricky Turned 9

Somehow my oldest baby turned 9 in July.  I’m not really sure how that happened … because that kind of makes me feel old!  And isn’t Ricky supposed to look like this forever …   Whether I want him to or not, he doesn’t look like that any more.  Ricky is adorable like this, too […]

1001 Posts!

I just happened to notice that the last post I put on was my 1000th post.  That’s a lot of posts! I’ve been doing this bloggy thing for more than 9 years.  That’s a long time! In honor of my long time blogging and my 1001th post, I thought I would give you just a […]

CA Trip 2013 Part 5: The Rest

We always enjoy our trips to California and they always seem to end too quickly.  This year we weren’t able to stay as long as we sometimes do, so it felt like an even shorter trip.  We just had to squeeze in more fun in a shorter time! Tommy found Grandpa Brent’s tricycle from when […]

CA Trip 2013 Part 4: The Beach

About April, Rusty began asking if we were going to go to Disneyland this summer.   Since I can’t ride the rides pregnant, there was no doubt about it … no, we weren’t.  But, in an attempt to not completely ruin his summer before it began, I told him that we WOULD be going to […]