Year: 2013

Small Pool

We set up our small wading pool in June.  It was just right for those early hot days and the boys found great pleasure in splashing each other (and me, if I got too close). It has been a very hot summer and a little cooling off was necessary. And, really, who doesn’t like to […]

Ricky’s Theater Camp

When we signed Billy and Rusty up for tee-ball, Ricky didn’t really want to play so I tried to find something that he would enjoy more.  Our local Treehouse Children’s Museum has a week-long summer camp where the kids go and learn about putting on a play and, on Friday night, perform the play for […]

Dinosaur Park … again

We like our little Ogden Dinosaur Park.  It is a great place to kill an hour or so. Ricky was doing a day camp and so I took the youngers to the dinosaur park until it was time to pick up Ricky. It was a hot day so the boys didn’t want to play on […]

Good-bye Old House

We moved into our new home on June 1st.  And the new owners of our old home moved in on June 22.  June was a bitter sweet month. The boys haven’t seemed to care about the move.  They love the new house, the new street, the new neighbors … they miss our swing set and […]

Time With Grandpa Dick

Toward the end of June, the boys’ great-grandpa came and stayed with us for a few days.  We affectionately call him “Grandpa Dick.” We spent a lot of time listening to his stories and he seemed to enjoy just watching the boys play. Grandpa Dick was a great catcher in his day and, even though […]