Year: 2013

Tee Ball

We make New Year’s Resolutions at our house.  Not impossible stuff, just a goal to do something sometime during the new year.  For instance, I wanted to read 12 books (finished that by the end of April) and Kevin wanted to move the deep freezer into the garage (buying a new house kind of sped […]

Mother’s Day 2013

I didn’t even do a blog post for Mother’s Day.  Man, I slacked. I have four of the cutest hoodlums around.  And I’m thankful every day for them.  Even the days my house is a mess and my voice is hoarse from “correcting” their behavior all day long.  I wouldn’t want anyone else’s trouble makers […]

Tommy Visits the Doctor

Tommy had his three-year-old well check.  It was the first appointment where he didn’t seem terrified of the doctor and spend most of the exam crying (and screaming was usually involved in the past as well). His exam went well.  He is 37.5 inches tall and weighs 33 pounds.  His height put him in the […]

Tommy’s Birthday

And … only 2 plus months after the fact … Tommy turned 3! This little boy was all about his birthday.  He was excited enough, but Rusty kept asking the date and counting down which only made Tommy even more excited! This door decorating thing is a cute idea, until 11 o’clock the night before […]

Puttin’ On Your Make Up

I like to wear make-up.  It makes me feel better about myself when I have a little color and eyes.  I don’t wear oodles of war paint, but enough. The boys know what it means when I say “I’m going to go put my face on.” Tommy often follows me and watches. Recently, he started […]