Year: 2013


I have been given several opportunities to help out in Rusty’s Primary class at church.  Sometimes I am more thankful for these opportunities than others. A few weeks ago, as I helping the teacher pass out goldfish crackers, one of the little boys got a bit impatient.  He wanted his crackers NOW! The cute little […]

Billy’s Courage

About a month ago, we had a nice and warm week.  The boys were so excited to be outside and playing all day.  Part of their adventures include trying to climb our trees. Most of the trees are too big for them to easily get into, but Billy found our curly willow and a way […]


I had conversation with Rusty the other day about our cat, Hunter (the big, fat orange one). I asked him, “If Hunter’s name is Hunter, what does he hunt?’ Rusty easily replied, “Cat food.” Okay. So I asked Rusty where Hunter goes hunting for his food. No thinking necessary, he said, “In the laundry room.” […]

Billy’s Kindy 500

Last month, Billy’s kindergarten put on a patriotic program.  They call it “The Kindy 500.”  The kids make cardboard cars and after singing a few songs for the folks, they parade by the parents and then drive their cars to different national monuments and learn about them for the rest of their day at school. […]