Year: 2013

Family Photo Shoot Peek

A few weeks ago we had some family pictures done at Beus Pond.  A couple of the boys were cranky and I wasn’t really sure how the pictures would turn out.  My photographer friend just got them to me and I love them!  Okay, I would love if the cranky faces were more smiley, but […]

Littlest Ninja

I’m not sure if he is really being a ninja or if he just likes to whack things with the swords, but I wouldn’t want to meet up with him in a dark alley … it hurts when he whacks you!

Words Right Out of My Mouth

Driving the boys home from school yesterday, Ricky commented on a big play set that someone had put in their backyard.  He asked, “Why’d they put up those blue flags with Y’s on them?” Before I could respond, Billy all-knowingly said, “BYU Cougars!  … I took the words right out of your mouth, didn’t I, […]

Sleeping Arrangements

Too early one morning about a month ago, I was awakened by Rusty loudly asking, “What are you doing in HERE?  We go POTTY in here.  We don’t SLEEP in here!” Good mother that I am, I nudged Kevin to go see what the ruckus was. Apparently, Ricky had gotten up to use the bathroom […]