Year: 2013

Fil the Puppy

Aunt Suzy got a new pet.  She says it is a puppy named Fil. I’m not really convinced that he is a real dog.  The boys think “he is so cute, Momma!”  Okay.  He’s cute.  But I’m still not sure he’s really a dog.  

Family Christmas Party

A week before Christmas, we hosted the Olds Family White Elephant Party.  The boys love when family is going to come over.  Tommy especially seemed excited, until he got so tired that he crashed on the couch.  Since this doesn’t happen very often, Kevin and I thought it was too cute… While waiting for other […]

A Happy Face

One day, Rusty wanted something from Kevin and when Kevin didn’t give it to him, Rusty pointed to his own little face and said, “Is this a happy face?” He’s done this more than once since then.  Sometimes he has an angry face and sometimes a sad face and sometimes it really is a happy […]

Toys – unrelated

We have a toy room.  We also have two preschoolers who think they are cyclones of destruction.  Plus, two older boys who don’t really like to clean up their own messes. When the toy room reaches a certain point, I might just get a little upset.  When I get a little upset, I might just […]

Charge It

We might have a few gadgets at our house. Today Tommy brought me an old cell phone that I’ve let the boys play with for years.  He looked at it, hit a few buttons, then held it out to me and said … “You need to charge it.” There you go.