Year: 2013

Bobby’s First Bath

Recently in the news there was a story about a blogger who posted that she rarely bathed her newborn baby.  Apparently, she was raked over the coals for this.  People think babies need baths.  People like to smell baby soap and baby lotion.  People did not approve of her saying that washing the babies face […]

I’m Mario

Picture it … Hooper, 2013. Momma finally let the boys into the costume box after months of keeping it locked up. As she is sitting in a far room of the house feeding the new baby boy, she hears a three year old repeating over and over, in an attempted Italian accent, “I’m Mario … […]

Bad Guy

Tommy is pretty cute.  I’m biased, I know, but he’s 3 and 3 is such a dang cute age. One day, as he was just being cute, I asked him if he was my sweet baby. Tommy replied, “No.  I’m your sweet big boy!” Ahhhh! Then he said, “I cut you in half  ’cause you […]


For quiet time today, I put in one of the preschool DVDs we own.  This one teaches the sounds each of the letters makes. While watching, Tommy wanted Rusty to read a word and said, “Read it, Rusty!  Hurry!  Read it!” Rusty replied, “I don’t know how to read.” Tommy countered, “You do!  Read it.” […]

Thankful Thoughts

A little more than a month ago, I felt our boys needed a refocus.  Kevin and I talked about it and decided they needed a bit more gratitude in their lives.  To help with that, we started our Thankful Thoughts. Before our family prayer most nights, we go around the circle and everyone shares something […]